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Become a Columbiano!  




The Proprietary Membership is open to any natural person who possesses the following:

  1.  Filipino citizen; a resident alien or juridical entities;

  2. of legal age;

  3. of good character and reputation;

  4. a purchase of a certificate of membership from a member who is not in default. 


Documentary Requirements  

Individual Membership


  1. Resume or Curriculum Vitae

  2. 6 pcs 2 x 2 colored pictures (take within the last six months) 

  3. Copies of government-issued Ids such as: 

  • Driver's License

  • Passport 

  • Voter's ID

  • UMID/SSS/PAG-IBIG/GSIS Philhealth Identification Cards 

  • Postal ID

   4.  Requisite Clearances

  • Latest NBI Clearance

  • Latest Police Clearance

  • Latest Barangay Clearance

   5. Copy of latest Income Tax Return (ITR) stamped received by the BIR​

​   6. Deed of Sale/Transfer Agreement â€‹

   7. Certificate of Naturalized Citizenship (if available) 


Corporate Membership


  1. Certified True Copies of Articles of Incorporation and B y-Laws;

  2. Excerpt of the Meeting and/with Board Resolution/ Secretary's Certificate authorizing the following:

  •  Membership of the Company to PCA

  • Name of the officer/assignee 

  • Certification by the Corporate Secretary as to the Trustees, officers and Stockholders of the applicant Company  and the extent of foreign equity participating, if any, or the Certified True Copy of the latest General Information Sheet (GIS) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 

  • Continuing Suretyship Agreement holding the company jointly and severally liable with the authorized assignee in all matters, especially in the settlement of obligations and liabilities of said assignee.

Membership Application Guidelines

  1. Proof of ownership or purchase of at least one (1) Certificate of Membership from PCA. 

  2. Cashier's Check or Manager's Check representing the full amount of membership, transfer and all such other applicable fees necessary for membership. 

  3. A letter of Recommendation/Endorsement signed by the proposer and a seconder explicitly their personal acquaintance with the applicant and other such pertinent information as may be required by the Board. 

  4. Duly accomplished application forms with documentation requirements must be submitted to the Membership Affairs Officer. 

  5. The Proposer and Seconder to any application for Regular Membership must be members in good standing. 

  6. Only applications with complete documentary requirements shall be posted on the Club's Bulletin Board for a period of thirty (30) days pursuant to the Club By-Laws, during which time members may express their written objections thereto, if any, against the application to the Membership Committee. Incomplete applications shall not be considered for posting unless all requirements are completed. 

  7.  If the applicant passes the screening process of the Membership Committee, his/her application shall be  endorsed to the Board of Trustees for approval.

  8. Once the Board approves the application, the prospect will be included in the list for formal induction on an amenable schedule to be set by the Membership Affairs Officer.

PCA Complex, Plaza Dilao, Canonigo St., Paco, Manila

Tel. Nos. 8563-8501 to 10 / Tele-fax 8563-47-03

© 2019 powered by Jabin F.@PhilippineColumbianAssociation

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